If you answered YES to that question, then you should be playing along in My Scraps Got Talent contest!! Three rak's have already been given away with the fourth up for grabs as we speak! Participants in the weekly challenges also get a chance to win a weekly prize as well! Even though we are into our third week, it is never too late to join in. There will be an opportunity to play "catch up" later in the contest so that anyone who wants to play, can join in at any time!! This week's challenge is to make a 2 page layout and try to choose papers that normally would no go together. To say this was a challenge for we is a BIG understatement! I never make two page layouts so that in itself was the challenge for me but I did it and I am so really happy with the result! I use the mr. boy collection from Bella Blvd (which is 40% right now by the way) to create this layout of my son Connor and his best friend Kameron. If this challenge makes you get out of your box, I would love to see what you come up with...please share so we can all be inspired by you!!!
Remember you can jump start you creativity with new products at 40% off!! Use code SUMMER40 and receive the discount on My Mind's Eye Stella & Rose, Bella Blvd., Crate Paper,
Pink Paislee, echo park (excluding Splash and Summer Days), Cosmo Cricket (excluding Odds n Ends) and Jillibean Soup (excluding Watermelon Gazpacho). Feed your passion today! (all orders over $50 receive FREE shipping as well!!)
Happy Hump Day! I hope that you find time to play with paper today!!