
Friday, October 3, 2014

September Pass it On Reveal!

Happy Friday, scrappers!  Missy here.  I'm SO excited for today's blog post because it has been a month in the making.   I hosted our Pass It On Challenge this month over on our boards, which is where I chose a layout from our gallery to scraplift.  Then once I'm finished, I send my layout to someone, and then that person sends it to the next.  No one sees the original layout until the very end....which is NOW!

So without further delay....let's see them all!  Yay!

I chose this awesome layout by Michelle from our gallery.  I loved the photo strip and all of the fun embellishments.

Here is my lift.  I used the Shimelle collection and tried to mimic the same design as Michelle.

Here's where things get funny!  When I put up the sign up post, guess who was the first person to sign up?  Michelle!  Ha!  She lifted MY layout of a lift of HER layout!  She did a beautiful job....again!  And she didn't know it was her layout that I had chosen!

Celeste was next.  She based her layout on Michelle's lift.  The design is still the same, and I love how she incorporated a frame and that fun twine!

Julie received Celeste's layout and turned it on its side to create this beautiful page.  She also used a frame or two, and I love that she added a fun cluster at the bottom!

Karrie lifted Julie's page and did a great job.  She enlarged the design and kept the same horizontal aspect going.  I really love the circles she added in and that pretty striped paper!

Jenessa created a gorgeous page based on Karrie's layout.  She kept the circle element going and added in lots of layering.  I love her stitching and how she backed her Thickers!

Leslie received Jenessa's page and came up with this pretty creation!  She also kept the circles going and added in some gorgeous flowers.  I love how much the photo pops in this...very elegant!

Here's Heather's take on Leslie's layout.  You can see how the design is shifting to the side at this point, which I love.  GREAT photo here, and I love those little sprigs on the right side of the photo!  Amazing dog page....and there are still circle elements in this page!

Carol lifted Heather and created this beautiful layout.  I love the inking on this...everything really pops.  I love all of the embellishments here, which is prevalent in the original layout.  Beautiful!

Joanie took on Carols's page and flipped her design to the right side.  This one is so fun and bright, and I love that she used such a cute picture!  I also love how she used tiny and large alphas for her title.

Tammy is up next with her take on Joanie's page.  Who doesn't love summer fun pages?!  This one is awesome, and I love that she added in some mixed fave!  Love her embellishments, too.

Tracy played along and lifted Tammy's layout.  From summer to winter...haha!  Love this snowy layout.  It's crazy how colors can really make you "feel" the page...yellow makes you feel hot and white makes you feel cold.  I really love the snowflakes and mist I have chill bumps!

Brenda lifted Tracy's design and came up with this gorgeous page!  LOVE the color combo here and that fun cluster at the top.  Those buttons at the bottom are awesome!  Love the layers, too.

Wendi was our final player.  She moved her focus back to the left but kept all the layering and embellishments.  I love her color scheme and that fun stitched banner on the side!  Such a great photo, too!

And back to the original layout one more time....

Isn't it amazing how things change?  Every one of these layouts are beautiful, and they were all based on this page.  This is a really fun game, and we will do it again in a few months.  I'm so thrilled we had 13 players!  That's fabulous!

I hope you're inspired by these wonderful designs!  Make sure you check the boards for Wendi's Kit Swap this month!

Have a great weekend, and don't forget to check out the store for all the new arrivals!

Missy :)


  1. Love to see the evolution of the design.

  2. Great pages, love all the different interpretations!

  3. oh my gosh I LOVED seeing how that turned out!!! soooo cool!!!!

  4. how interesting how it evolved - loved being part of this

  5. That is just awesome everyone!!!! I can't believe how much it changed!

  6. Great layouts and very interesting how they changed.

  7. It's wonderful to see each person's twist on the previous layout! Love the whole series - amazing work, ladies!!

  8. Such a change from start to finish! Awesome pages ladies!

  9. some super lovely layouts here! good job everyone

  10. That was a lot of fun to see the design morph. Beautiful layouts everyone!

  11. It's so cool to see the progression of the lifts! What fun!

  12. Absolutely FABULOUS creations ladies! I just LOVE seeing the progressions on challenges like this! Maybe I can play on the next one too... :) Great job ladies!
