
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

October MOTM

Hey there scrappy friends!
Lisa here today.
We are starting up our member of the month again and this month I chose Tami, aka momawhite99, on the message board.

I am a huge fan of Tami's work. She rocks the boys pages and the sports pages!
I asked Tami a few questions and this is what she had to say:

Tell us a bit about yourself? Where you live, married?, kids?, work?
I am a married mom of 2 teen boys, Bo 17 and Tucker 13. My husband and I both work fulltime at a Ford dealership...and you wonder why I am crazy-HAHAHA
How long have you been scrapping?
I have been scrapping since 2008.

What got you into scrapping?
I had seen some friends who had gotten into it-saw their work and thought OH how I would love that and could do a much better job. I think I was thinking that ugly thought because they didnt invite me to join. Besides I used to somewhat scrap in High School--I saved every single piece of emphemera I could and added it to my photos for my album. Thats scrapping right? Besides, when my Mom passed away-I had boxes of photos with no information of who some of the people were, where we were, and how old we were. I realized I dont want my kids to ever experience that. Or me if I get Alzheimer's?
Do you have a blog?
I have a blog...Life in the White House ...but I dont use it very much here lately.
Five things you don't know about me...
My left leg is 1/4 inch shorter than my right one
I scrap at my dinner table even though we live in an 1800 sq foot home--CRAZY huh?
I wanted to be a hairdresser but I realized I couldnt take someones $$ to give them an
ugly haircut that would look stupid no matter what they thought---LOL
I love to go fishing but wont eat it
I have an obession with tennis shoes--if I ever win the lottery I will have a pair in every
color of the rainbow

Here are a few of my favorite pieces of Tami's work:

It doesnt work

positions played

so which is it

Thanks Tami for inspiring us here at My Scraps & More!



  1. Congrats Tammi!! Love Tammi's bold style and details!

  2. Love seeing all these great boy layouts.

  3. Way to go Tami! I've always loved Tami's work! I think her boy / sports layouts are fantastic!

  4. amazing pages Tami - love your style - Congrats

  5. way to go!!! CONGRATS Tami!!! I've always LOVED your work!!!

  6. Way to go Tami!!! Congratulations! Love your pages!!

  7. Congrats Tami! I've always loved your work!

  8. Congrats on this feature, Tami! Amazing layouts you've shared here - love the embellishment clusters you create, and you're so good about including personal journaling. :) Awesome!

  9. Congrats Tami! I LOVE your work!

  10. Congrats Tami! Such fabulous pages, your work is always such an inspiration!

  11. Congrats Tami. I love your style and your pages

  12. Congrats Tami. This is well deserved. Your pages are awesome!

  13. Congrats Tami! I've always admitted your work & now it's nice to get to know the woman behind the pages!

  14. Congratulations Tami! It is so nice to get to know more about the members.

  15. I was tickled to see Tami come up as MOTM in my blog feed this month! WooHOO! I've been a huge FAN of your scrapping for a long time now. And, there's nobody out there than can rock boy pages the way you do! But, my favorite thing about your scrapping is the way you tell your 'story' .... your journaling is always heartfelt and honest. And, let's face it girl ... you're a MASTER at layering! I've always loved your style! Biggest hugs, girl! And, huge congratulations!
