
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Fall is in the Air

It takes awhile for it to feel like fall here in Texas but this weekend it definitely feels like fall.  There is a little chill in the air.  That got me in the mood to scrap some fall photos which I generally don't have many of.  Not to many changing colors here in the piney woods, but I did have some photos from our trip o Tennessee last year. Elle's Studio Sycamore Lane was perfect for these photos.  Just a touch of fall colors with some bright and bold accents.  I don't scrap in the dull colors that some fall collections come in.

 The boldness of the embellishments works so well since my children are always usually dressed in some sort of bold color.

It works out really well that we named our daughter Autumn. All these Autumn tags come in handy.



  1. Love this fall page! Fall is my favorite season by far! How cool that you even named your daughter Autumn! I love the way you used washi tape on your page as well!

  2. I live in TX too, and man, do I rejoice when it finally feels like fall!
    Love this page - bold colors are the best. :)

  3. Love this! And its a great photo too......

  4. Great colors and embellishments.

  5. Very pretty! The buttons are a cute touch.

  6. you are right, we get little color change here. But it is starting!
