
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Creative Agenda

Happy Wednesday!
Lisa here to share a layout I made using the fun Echo Park line Creative Agenda along with sketch #92 from My Scraps & More Sketch Blog. I love the colors in this collection! I used a photo of my daughter and added the favorite things right now journaling card to create a fast and easy layout about her:

I tore and stitched quite a few of the beautiful patterned papers in this collection.
 Here are a few close ups:
She is a junior in high school and is starting to plan for post high school, so this chipboard piece was perfect:

I added a flower and brad from my stash along with a few ink drops.

Hope you have a wonderful day!



  1. Great way to document for memory books:) I love looking back at signs and places I went when I was her age...I wonder if cell phones will be a thing of the past in twenty years? lol Great idea to use those journaling cards!!!! Looks so easy peasy :) and the choice of paper line is perfect for her sweet 16 years :)

  2. Very cute layout!! I love this paper line!!

  3. The torn and stitched paper is a pretty touch and I like the twine embellishment.

  4. Love the torn paper and the journaling card.

  5. Love the torn and stitched down paper. Cool layout!

  6. Fun page! Love the torn edges with stitching and the cluster in the middle with your photo! Looks great!
