
Thursday, June 5, 2014

I wanted to share with you a little more of my Project Life addiction and show you how I am making my love of traditional scrapping work with it.  First you will see a page I created from sketch # 83 on the My Scraps and More Sketch Blog. I used Crate Paper Boys Rule for this page of my son Jacob visiting Sea Life Aquarium.

These pictures were from a trip his 5th grade GT class went on, so of course I had lots of photos from there and Lego Land.  I have made a few other traditional pages on this event.  To finish off the last of the miscellaneous photos I made this project life page using the same Crate Paper line.

Don't forget our Got Talent challenges are going on all summer long.  Weekly prizes will be give away.  Hope you will come play along.



  1. Love what you did with the sketch

  2. I have so many field trip pictures to scrap and these are some great ideas!

  3. Fabulous sketch. Love the washi and the fun pictures.

  4. cool pages. love using project life in regular pages

  5. Very cute pages, love the page on the angle!
