
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Bubble Wrap

Hey there scrappy friends!
Lisa here with you today to share a layout I created using Elle's Studio Everyday Moments. This line is awesome for any layout! This photo of Sierra was taken Christmas Eve while opening her presents from us. She had a blast playing with the bubble wrap! I guess she takes after me, I enjoy it too! LOL

I actually used bubble wrap and paint along with some water color to create my background:

The white scalloped circles piece, is just a scrap I had laying around from a previous layout and I decided to add it under my photos:

I added some stitching and a few hand cut chevrons:

This layout was so fun to do!
Hope you have a great day!


  1. Cute layout! My girls love to pop bubble wrap too! I like to stop them so that I can stamp with it!

  2. ha love to play with bubble wrap and love that you used it on your background

  3. Love the effect with the bubble wrap!

  4. Very fun effect with the bubble wrap!

  5. LOL..this is great. Love the fun colors and paying homage to bubble popping!!

  6. I love this fun idea! My son has a thing for bubble wrap, we have plenty laying around.

  7. I love that you used the bubble wrap to tie your page in with the photos and subject. So fun!

  8. Very cute! I love the background!!
