
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hey Mom or Daughter

When Simple Stories came out with their Hey Mom collection I knew I had to have it.  Was it because I scrap a lot of pictures about myself, certainly not. Was it because I scrap a lot of pictures about my mom, well I do scrap her some but it is usually as the role of grandma not mom.  The reason I had to have it was because it had some purple in it.  Not a lot of companies make purple and I have a daughter who loves purple.  So yes, this collection will work for much more than just mom pages. I have also found no matter what the line the purple will never exactly match the color purple from the photos.  That is where ribbon or paint can tie it all in.

I created this page using Lisa's sketch #3 from the sketchathon.  Now if you look at my end result you will find it looks nothing like her sketch but I promise it was where I started from.  That is the great thing about sketches, they give you a jumping off point and you can end up anywhere.

The twist for this sketch was to use some kind of memorbilia.  I added the recital brochure to the page.  Since I didn't want it to block the whole page I slipped it under the paper and then also attached one to the back of the page so all the information could still be seen.

This tag was part of the Simple Stories collection and was generic enough to work for any person, not just mom.  Though most moms are quite fabulous :)
