
Friday, April 4, 2014

Fun playing with Bella and Sketches

Sketches are most favorite type of inspiration when starting to create a layout so I was beyond excited when Audrey decided to hold the SketchAThon again this year!!! Every day a new sketch + design team inspiration = 1 happy scrapper in me!! Today was my day to reveal a sketch. I had a lot of fun creating it but WAY more fun making the layout! Throw in some Bella Blvd and I was set!!!

and yes...I am THAT scrapper that is scrapping Christmas photos in April and I love it!!! I hope that you will join us on the forums to see all of the other awesome sketches that have been revealed and many, MANY more yet to come. One for every day of the month!! So what are you waiting for...
come on over and join us here now!!!

- Tammi


  1. This is adorable!!! Loving the sketches, great job ladies!!!

  2. Love the sketch today and your layout!

  3. What a fun sketch to use! I love that you are scrapping Christmas now! It's the best time, when you aren't burned out!

  4. I scrapped a bunch of Christmas photos in march! At least they're done, right? Really cute page and photos!!
