
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Forever Four Eyes

Hello there, My Scraps friends :)  It's Missy here, and I'm sharing a fun layout I created for a Word Up Wednesday challenge over on our boards last week.  I challenged members to use a number as a word in their title.

I've been waiting to use this adorable paper with the glasses on it for a long time.  This collection is My Mind's Eye Cut & Paste Flair, and it's perfect for pictures of people with glasses.  I've worn glasses since I was a 5th grader, but I've never documented it.  So this was perfect!  You can still purchase this line HERE in the store.

I used some gesso to blend out some of the glasses on the busy background near the photo cluster.  I layered a lot of patterned papers and added some tangled thread underneath.  For my title, I used watercolors to paint around some Thickers.  Then I removed the Thickers and traced around the letters with a black pen.  I like the blurry and messy this is how I see when I'm not wearing my glasses.

I found this cute flair badge at Michael's.  It matched my colors perfectly!  I love when you have random tid bits that coordinate with a totally different collection :)

Be sure to join us on our much fun going on over there!  Lots of challenges and prizes to be won.  

Have a GREAT weekend!

Missy :)