
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Member of the Month for January

Hello and Happy New Year!
I am excited to announce our member of the month for January!
She is Michelle, known on the message board as mmgallant.
Let's learn a little more about Michelle. Here is what she had to say in her own words:

Hi there, my name is Michelle Gallant, I live in NB Canada with my hubby and two beautiful kids.

I've been scrapping for about 7 years.

I went to a class with a friend and it was love at first cut! Scrapbooking has given me a way to let my creative side go wild! LOL

I love to play with inks and stamps but I don't like to get my hands dirty (this can sometimes be tricky)! I sometimes even scrap on my lunch hour (blush). Who needs food when you can scrap right??? Scrapbooking has also led me to a love of photography!

Here is my blog:

Here are a few things you may not know about me:
I am scared of spiders!!
I do not eat any kind of seafood.
I cannot sleep in a quiet room. My ceiling fan is always on!
I need a glass of milk in the morning to get me going. I don't drink coffee.
I am an only child.
I am a huge fan of Michelle's work! Here are just a few of my favorites:

Isn't her work amazing? and so inspirational too!

Thanks Michelle for taking time and sharing more about you with us. We love having you at My Scraps & More!



  1. Wow! Congratulations! Love all of the layouts featured! How fun! :)

  2. ohhh, huge congratulations, Michelle, on being featured this month! It's well deserved, that's for sure! I love seeing your projects! And these four are outstanding!

  3. Congratulations!! Incredible projects!!!

  4. way to go Michelle!!!! your work is always amazing to me!!!!! love learning more about ya too.

  5. Congrats Michelle-love your work!

  6. Love your style Michelle! Congrats!

  7. Terrific lo! Congrats on MOTM Michelle!

  8. Congratulation! Your work is amazing!

  9. Congratulations Michelle! It is always so much fun to get to know someone here on the boards just a little better!

  10. Congrats! Gorgeous layouts!!
    Still loving that purple one.

  11. congrats Michelle, I've always loved your style!!! it's great to get to know you better.
