
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Big News for My Scraps & More!!!!

Beginning on February 1st, 2014, operations and ownership of My Scraps & More will be moving  from Locust Grove, Virginia to Fayetteville, New York.  Previous owner Tammi Bennett will be changing roles to a new Design Team member, while current Design Team member Audrey Yeager will be the new store owner.

A statement from Tammi:  I want to thank everyone who has made My Scraps & More what it is today! This has been "my baby" for a few years now and it has given me the opportunity to make good friends through customers and also members of the forums. I did not take this decision lightly, but due to my husband retiring this month, I knew that I wasn't going to be able to give my whole attention to the store any longer. Although this is such a bittersweet time for me, I know that Audrey will keep up the standards I created for My Scraps & More and make it even better than before! She has the passion and the talent as a scrapbooker herself to make it successful. I look forward to continuing on as a Design Team member and am so excited for Audrey starting this new endeavor!

A statement from Audrey:  As a long time Design Team member and customer of My Scraps and More, I have hardly ever shopped anywhere else!  Tammi always offered the latest and greatest product, faster than anyone else could get them, with incredible sales and discounts. Her customer service and active role in the happenings of the store are unmatched.  I intend to maintain those wonderful qualities of My Scraps & More, and continue to grow and develop the store. I want the transition to be as seamless as possible, so customers will not notice much of a change.  I am so excited about the future of My Scraps and more. Look for lots of great new products and inspiration from the Design Team starting in February! 


  1. WOW - this is big news!

    congratulations Audrey on taking on the store/site. looking forward to seeing what you change and what you keep!

    congratulations Tammi - it will be wonderful for you to be able to spend time with hubby during his retirement and yet keep scrapping on the DT!!!

  2. That is awesome! Congratulations to Tammi and to Tammi's husband! Awesome news for Audrey! Very exciting for you both!!!

  3. Wow-wow...that is news for sure. Sad news but also good news.

    Tammi- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for having such a professional attitude concerning your store. I am SO glad I kept your business card from my last order and had already placed it into my 2013 MIR album. So glad about that. I will miss your sales, your QUICK-like-PLANE shipping, your friendly emails..and on and on. I could cry, but on the other hand, how awesome that your DH will be retiring. That is a blessing for sure. Thank you a million times over for everything and I mean EVERYTHING you did for us die-hard shoppers. Many big hugs from PA!!!

    1. Thank you so much Janet!! You are truly a sweetheart!!!

  4. Tammi, best wishes to you and your hubby on his retirement! Audrey, thanks for taking over a place that makes us crafters so happy!

  5. Tammi, I am so happy for you that both of you get to "retire". I am glad that you will still be here as part of the DT.
    Audrey, congratulations on your new baby!!! Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us.

  6. Congrats to both of you!

    Tammi- I am glad you will still be part of the scrappy fun!
    Audrey- I wish you the best of luck and glad you've decided to take over. Here's to a new and exciting adventure for you!
