
Monday, December 23, 2013

Trim the Tree...Giveaway Monday 12/23/13

Hopefully you have already trimmed your tree because Santa is only a couple of days away!!! Our tradition is to decorate the Christmas tree the day after Thanksgiving. I get the trees all set up and the three kids go to town doing all of the decorating! I think I have the better part of the deal!! Usually I am so behind on scrapping my pictures, but I really wanted to play with the new October Afternoon Eggnog mini collection, so I printed off these couple pictures and created this page!!

This collection sold out sooooo quickly but I managed to save a couple of things to offer up just for this giveaway today! 

 - Eggnog 6x8 paper pack

 - Eggnog Memory Cards

 - Holly Jolly Washi tape

plus a few extra OA surprises included as well! Simply leave a comment on this post, and daily for extra draws, if you would like a chance to win!

Last week's winner draw by random is...

Stacia BrandtDecember 20, 2013 at 10:36 PMI don't know that I can pick just one!!! I love all things patterned :)

Congratulations! Please send me an email containing your shipping address and I will get your prize sent out to you!

Did you see this...

My Scraps & More is excited to announce a design team call for the sketch blog! We are looking for creative and talented scrappers who like to work with sketches!

To apply, email me the following at

- Name and address
- email address
- blog link
- list of current and past design teams you are or have been a member of
- include your take on the call sketch provided below
- also include at least 2 more samples of your work created within the last 3 

Design Team requirements

- create 2 layouts per month based on sketches provided 
- promote My Scraps & More sketches on your blog as well as post the sketch 
and your layout on Fridays of the reveal
- promote My Scraps & More in signatures and other places where allowed

This Design Team position will be from February 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014
- At the end of the term, team members will receive a "thank you" box of 
scrapbook products
- Design Team members are welcome and encouraged to enter their layouts
for the monthly prize drawing 
 - This call is open to USA and international applicants

The deadline for this call is January 26, 2014. Those chosen will be contacted and once everyone has accepted their positions, the new team will be announced February 1, 2014.

I hope many of you will send in your applications!!!

Thank you so much for stopping by My Scraps today! Have a very Merry, wonderful holiday!!!


  1. I love your cute layout and isn't this the sketch from the blog...adorable! I always love me some October Afternoon, so really like the papers you used.

  2. I haven't played with any OA in quite awhile so it would be great to win this! Adorable layout.

  3. Love your sweet layout! And love OA papers! Thanks for the chance to win some!

  4. Boy, I really depleted my stash of Christmas papers and embellishments and could really use these. Your layout is so sweet and perfectly captures the memory. thanks for the chance to win.

  5. So excited for the DT call! Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. Tammi! I would make such use of that October Afternoon! I'm crazy for it! How cool that you are doing a giveaway! I better stop before I wear out my exclamation key on my keyboard - lol. Thanks for the chance!

  7. I love your layout! I am so far behind in my holiday layouts its not funny! Thanks for inspiring me to get on it!

  8. This is a great sketch and layout! Love this collection!

  9. Super cute layout! That is a fun line and that washi tape is AWESOME!

  10. What a cute layout....and FUN giveaway! Thanks. :o)

  11. Love the layout and the Eggnog collection!

  12. your layout is adorable! So is the collection you used, thanks for the chance to win....Merry Christmas!

  13. I'm sad I missed out in buying this collection! Looks wonderful on your page - thanks for the chance to win!

  14. I do love this collection, great layout! Thanks for the chance to win and have a wonderful Christmas!

  15. Always love OA! Super cute layout!

  16. Lovely Collection, thanks For the giveaway

  17. Cute layout and I love that collection!!

  18. Cute collection. I love the red bg paper of your layout. I saved the sketch for the design team call. Thinking about it :)

  19. Such a great line! Thanks for the chance to win. :)
    - April W

  20. Love this collection! Neat layout! Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. Love your layout and that collection from October Afternoon. Thanks for the chance to win it.
