
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Think Inside the Box

Happy Saturday, My Scraps friends!  It's Missy here with you today.  I'm sure you've had that one sheet of patterned paper that you're just not sure how you're going to work with it.  This background paper from the Elle's Studio Cameron collection had me stumped for a while.  But when I saw the latest sketch over on our sketch blog, I knew right away that I could make this paper shine!  

I left the decorative side alone and just added a few buttons, floss and stamps.  The journaling spot and date spot were already there.  I followed the sketch on the right side.  I jazzed up the white space background with some modeling paste and watercolor paint.  That's how I added in the orange behind my photos.  The orange patterned paper was on the BACK of this background sheet, so I couldn't use it!  I hate when that happens!  So I improvised and added paint.  Paint is a GREAT way to add the one color you're not able to pull from paper.

Here you can see the paste, the paint....and I added some pop dots to my arrow to give some lift.

I think I'm obsessed these days with adding cord, twine or floss to my pages.  I like winding it up and adding it's just fun!  And the stuff is cheap, too :)

Be sure to go check out the Sketch Blog and play along with us!

Have a GREAT day!

Missy :)


  1. Love how you used that paper! Love the floss touches!

  2. So cute! I absolutely LOVE your layout and the way you use all those bright pretty colors!!

  3. Beautiful layout, I love the cluster of labels and tags along the edge

  4. I love the floss and I never think to use paint....need to make myself do it at least once.
