
Monday, December 30, 2013

A One Horse Open Sleigh...Giveaway Monday 12/30/13

Happy Monday scrappy friends! I hope that everyone had a magical holiday! Now that the BIG day is over, it's time to get back into the scrappy mood. Sometimes its hard getting the mojo flowing again after a little time off but I have just the inspiration you need to kick start it again...a scrappy challenge!
This challenge that I am sharing was day five during My 12 Days of Christmas event on the message boards. Even though the challenges for that have ended, you have until January 5th to play along!!! Here is your challenge:

Your challenge is to use any part of the photo below and use it on your layout. It can be one little word or a whole saying. It's all up to you!

I used the phrase "a one horse open sleigh" and scrapped photos of my son from a few years ago visiting a little Christmas village of sorts.

The papers are from the October Afternoon "Silent Night" collection which is just so beautiful! Would you like to play with some of it yourself? If you said yes, then leave me a comment here letting me know what the best thing about the past holiday for you and I will chose a winner next week with the help of! (remember...if you visit everyday and leave a comment it earns you extra draws in the Monday Giveaway!!) Last week's winner is this lucky person...

SandiBDecember 29, 2013 at 11:16 AMLove your layout and that collection from October Afternoon. Thanks for the chance to win it.

Congratulations! Please send me an email containing your shipping address and your prize will get on it way to you shortly thereafter!!

I can't end this post without sharing this with you...

use code YEARENDSALE2013 and receive 55% off your entire order now through December 31, 2013!!!

Thanks so much for taking some time to visit My Scraps!! Enjoy your day!!!


  1. Such a sweet layout. Thanks for the great sale!

  2. I love October afternoon, and thanks for sharing this lovely layout!

  3. Love this layout and this line from OA! I am hoping to get some of those challenges completed!

  4. the best thing for me is seeing the my son on Christmas morning getting his 'santa'

  5. So cute! I love the splatter and the pennants!

  6. The best thing for me this Christmas was seeing an old friend take his first steps after a motorcycle accident left him "paralyzed for life" Thank goodness he is stubborn and didn't quit cuz on Christmas day he took 18 steps and he is now up 250......wooot!!!!

  7. The best thing that happened for Christmas was the birth of my third great grandchild on the first day of winter. Her name is Stori.

  8. Loved having both of my kids here and making them hunt for a Christmas tree, dressing them and their sig. others in matching pjs, etc.

  9. Fun layout! I just finished this challenge last night. :)

  10. Honestly, just having a couple of days off to relax with my daughters was exactly what I needed! We even had a chance to watch a holiday movie! Nice! Love this challenge! Hoping I get a chance to work on it! Love your layout!

  11. What a wonderful layout! And what a great way to get those cute photos scrapped
    Would love to win some of those papers, I have so many cute photos from Christmas this year.

  12. Your layout is just so cute! Who doesn't love OA? I love your title work with the little flair button.
    Christmas was very low key for us this year but the best thing for me this Christmas was being able to spend another Christmas with my mom.

  13. I love the "one horse" lo! What a great take on the line.

    Loved having my husband flt in to surprise my kids for Christmas. He couldn't do vacation with us this year and we thought we'd be separated the entire time.

  14. fun challenge! great layout from it. Awesome sale too.
