
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sketch Book Saved Me

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!  I hope you are enjoying time with your family and sitting back and taking it easy.  Or using this day off to get some scrappy time in :)

So how many of you are lost without inspiration to get a LO started.  Well if you can be that creative on your own you are better than I, LOL!  My computer sits on my scrappy desk and I'm always pulling up sketches or other LO's to kick off my pages.  Last week my computer started acting up, AHHH!  That is a nightmare for me.  Of course it happens when the mojo was flowing and I actually had time to scrap.  I grabbed out the My Scraps and More sketch book and used it for my inspiration.  Here is the page I created.

I used Chic Tags School House Collection for the page.



  1. I love to use sketches! I always thought 'I didn't" need to have a sketch but I hardly ever scrap without one, they provide great inspiration! Love all the techniques on your layout!

  2. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!! I love the sketches. I was even going to buy the sketch book and add-ons last night but they were gone.
