
Saturday, November 9, 2013

11 Things on the 11th

Hey there, My Scraps fans!  Missy here with you today.  Have you checked out the gorgeous Flea Market collection from Crate Paper yet?  Oh my, is it stunning!  This page is something I decided to take on last month.  One of my favorite scrappers, Corrie Jones, has a challenge each month to pick a date, use the number of that date to create a list of things you're feeling on that day.  I chose the 11th, so I have 11 things going through my mind.  

On this particular day, lots of good things happened and lots of things bummed me out.  So I came up with this.  I like this idea because it forces me to scrap about myself...something I never used to consider doing.

The chipboard shapes in this line are amazing!  Everything is just so pretty.

The very best part of this collection is the GOLD!  Shiny stuff rocks!

Check out these fabric frames...yes, please!

Check out the Crate Paper goodness in the store HERE....get it before it's gone!  You won't be's a beautiful collection.

There is still time this weekend to participate in our Pinspirational Crop challenges.  Pages are due on Monday, November 11th.

Have a great day!

Missy :)