
Monday, June 17, 2013

Giveaway Monday 6/17/13

Good Morning! I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and squeezed in a little scrappy time! Two of my kids had graduations this past weekend, one from 5th grade and one from High School so it was busy...busy...busy! Even though I didn't get any crafting time myself, I did get a chance to look at all of the amazing layouts so many of you have shared for our My Scraps Got Talent III event!! Before the weekend, I played along with mini challenge #1 which was to incorporate 3 different stamps on your layout. This was defiantly a  challenge for me because I never stamp. And when I say never, I mean
N E V E R ! In the end though, it wasn't so bad and I really like the page!

Our giveaway today includes some papers from the line I used, MME Collectible! Leave a comment here by midnight on June 23rd for your chance at winning!!

Here is last's week's lucky comment...

KellyGJune 10, 2013 at 9:42 AMgreat idea, love your lo!

Congratulations! Please email me with your shipping info and I will get that wash out to you!!

Enjoy your day!!

p/s  did you see that My Scraps is have a HUGE inventory reduction sale?? Use code  TWODAYSALE  and save 40% off your order!! ends tonight!!


  1. Fun, happy layout! Your stamping turned out really good!

  2. I think it is great when we try something new and it turns out wonderful! Love The MME papers you used too!

  3. The page looks great! I can't find the third stamp though - remember, Aug 2010, and ??? Is it the heart?

  4. What a lovely picture with those clouds posing just perfectly for you! I love the layout and the colors - beautiful!

  5. Your LO is great, love the colors. Are those little paint drops on your background cardstock? I'm seeing paint splatters and drops lately on LOs, how do you do that and what kind of paint do you use? I'm so behind on trends, I just started misting a few months ago! :)

  6. I love this layout!! Super cute. :o)

  7. Fun layout! I have some of the collectible collection, but would love more!!

  8. Love your LO! Glad you tried stamping! Hope you liked it since I think your stamping was great!

  9. Oh my gosh I LOVE your layout! The patterned paper used as a large mat for the photo and journaling block is awesome and you definitely should continue to stamp on your pages because it looks amazing!

  10. Congrats to the winner! Your layout is really wonderful. I am just a beginner scrapbooker so am always looking for new ideas. I love how you used all the white space and that banner is so fun.

  11. Very pretty, great use
    of the colors. Always
    fun to use stamps.
    Carla from Utah

  12. very nice! I need to use stamps more often.

  13. You did great with the stamping and made a fun page.

  14. Beautiful colors and layout. Welcome to the world of stamping. You did a great job!

  15. Your layout is wonderful! Great photo - love the colors and the design. Great job.

  16. NOTED
    1. great layout
    2. I LOVE this blog
    3. Thanks for the chance to win!

  17. I love this page Tammi - love the photo angle, the colors, the design, everything

  18. Great layout Tammi and great sale
    Congrats to the gaduates at your house.
    Loving the contest.

  19. Awesome layout! LOVE these papers.

  20. super cute layout, love these colors!

  21. I just got a few pieces of this collection at my LSS - it is gorgeous!!! Love the layout, all those flags are awesome! :)

  22. Love this page! The colors are so pretty together!

  23. Love that MME collection and your layout is wonderful.

  24. Perfect choice of papers to use with that photo. Beautiful layout.

  25. What a cute photo. Love the choice of papers. The colors look delicious.
